My Story…
I began looking for purpose and meaning in political and environmental activism in my early teens. Very soon, however, I turned my attention to spirituality. At age 16 I encountered Buddhism and by age 18 I was already living in a zen-buddhist monastery.
While five years in the monastery gave me access to depths of being that I could not have fathomed previously, they did not solve the problem of purpose for me. They clarified my questions about the meaning of life in general but did not reveal my unique purpose, the reason for why I am born into this particular life.
When this became clear to me I left the monastery to look for my purpose elsewhere. My search eventually lead me to the field of coaching, a field of inquiry that often has a focus on life purpose. I studied zen-coaching and I also made a deep dive into non-violent communication. I undertook a three-year program in coaching psychology that resulted in a B.A. in cognitive neuroscience.
Towards the end of my studies I encountered Ken Wilber and integral theory. It was with a deep sigh of relief that I read about a way of viewing the world that values all perspectives. Throughout my life I had explored many kinds of spiritual practices and personal development methodologies. My sense was always that each of them provided some value while none of them were able to present a path that was complete in itself. Finding a context that appreciated the beauty of each path and provided a framework that showed a bigger picture was a huge relief, a confirmation of the intuition that I had all the way. This lead me to a deep dive into integral spiritual practice, which is an application of integral theory with the intention to integrate some of the most important features of all spiritual paths. Since I saw a deep need in the world for this kind of integrative spirituality I felt called to teach this, so I started teaching courses in integral spiritual practice. As I was doing this I felt more on purpose than ever.
As so often happens when one follows the call, I encountered challenges on the way. Life circumstances led me to stray further and further away from my calling for a couple of years. Eventually, however, my purpose was calling to me loud enough that I could not resist it anymore. At that precise moment, I encountered the Purpose Discovery Program. I resonated deeply with the content and saw this as an opportunity to further deepen my connection to my purpose and to clarify the aspects of it that still remained unclear.
After the program I feel firmly grounded in my purpose and thus becoming a Purpose Guide™ was a natural evolution into my own purpose.
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Click here for a detailed description of the 12 modules of The Purpose Discovery Process.
To learn more about the philosophy behind The Purpose Discovery Process, have a look at this article: Soulwork and The Purpose Octagon. It is written by Jonathan Gustin, the founder of The Purpose Guides Institute.
Click here for a 25-minute introduction to purpose discovery
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